
use factor中文是什么意思

  • 利用率
  • 利用系数
  • 使用因素



  • 例句与用法
  • Convenient work for both dismantling and assembling brings high re - use factor . so it is called " moved " fixed assets
  • This papers uses factor analysis to evaluate the comprehensive indicators of county economies in guizhou in 2003
  • 2 ) construct validity : illustrates the construction validity of the scale using factor analysis and consistency analysis
    ( 2 )结构效度:采用因素分析和一致性分析来说明量表的结构效度。
  • Then , after creating a set of indicators for evaluating human capital , we use factor analysis method to evaluate human capital of each province in china
  • An analysis of supply and demand curve for factors indicates that in order to compel economic individuals to use factors thriftily , it is imperative to minimize distortion of factor prices
  • Using factor analysis and cluster analysis to segment consumers into different markets according to their life style , this paper found that the colored tv choice behavior of different market segments were significantly different
  • The main conclusions and innovations of the dissertation are as follows : ( 1 ) to design an empirical analysis framework by using factor analysis , discriminant analysis , cluster analysis and logistic model
    在规范分析与实证分析的基础上,本文得出了以下主要结论和创新点: ( 1 )构建了包含因子分析、判别分析、聚类分析和logistic模型在内的实证分析框架。
  • Based on the analysis of wheat production resources in china by using factor loading matrix theory , this paper builds the factor analysis models and ascertains the factors that influence the general output of wheat and their effect weight
  • Using factor analysis , there were two implicit frameworks of evaluation among assessors . the one framework consisted of two dimensions that called thinking competence and managerial function competence , another one called manag
  • Increases steel system or the wooden baggage shelf after the bracket , suits the space to be small specially , highly the bottom storehouse , the spatial use factor is high , deposit and withdrawal cargo more convenient , quick , is clear to cargo depositing
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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use factor的中文翻译,use factor是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译use factor,use factor的中文意思,use factor的中文use factor in Chineseuse factor的中文use factor怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
